Volunteer Spotlights
Gill Benett
Gill started volunteering for us last year after retiring from a role in housing. She helps out with procurement, funding raising and administrative support.
Gill says the best thing about Revive is its inclusivity and its commitment to supporting refugee, people seeking asylum and vulnerable migrants to build new lives after often traumatic beginnings.
At Revive, we think the best thing about Gill is her beautiful smile, transferable skills, passion and commitment to the project and also her ability to take on any role delegated to her as well as proactively look out for opportunities for the project. She’s a great force to reckon with and the team enjoys her company. We appreciate Gill!
Sister Eileen McConnon
Sister Eileen has worked with us for nearly 10 years – first as an ESOL teacher, then by drawing in many of her parishioners in Altrincham to help with fundraising. Not only is she a teacher, befriender and a spiritual advisor to many of our service users but she has earned the title ‘Mother Revive’ by her commitment to helping so many vulnerable people over such a long period.
Sister Eileen says the best thing about Revive for her has been the privilege to meet such courageous people who are so brave in adapting to a new country and way of life, and helped through the friendship of Revive volunteers, staff and fellow service-users.
We think the best thing about Sister Eileen is her tireless compassion.
Ganiyat Adebayo
Ganyat has worked with us for 3 years as an Admin Assistant and in our kitchen. She is a high flyer, with a degree in International Business Administration but she joined us because she wanted to make a difference and give back to the community.
Ganyat says the best thing about Revive is how it supports people in need, improving their mental and physical wellbeing and helping prepare them for a new future, alongside giving volunteers opportunities to develop new skills.
We think the best thing about Ganyat is her commitment to fighting for equality and practicing diversity.
Pat Greenall
Pat has worked with us for nearly 5 years after retiring from roles in teaching and social care. She helps advise refugees and asylum seekers on a range of welfare and benefit issues and runs employability courses to help them prepare for work.
Pat says the best thing about Revive is how open, friendly, vibrant and positive it is and how everybody is so generous in sharing their talents, whether they are service users or volunteers.
We think the best thing about Pat is how great she is at liaising with other agencies to get our service users the best possible deal.
Shazia Nazir
Shazia has worked for Revive for almost 10 years as a kitchen assistant – providing food at events and helping with weekly food parcels for service users. Shazia came to the UK with her family as an asylum seeker and wanted to ‘give back’ after Revive helped them.
Shazia says the best thing about Revive is how helpful, warm and welcoming we are and how we will help anyone who walks through the door. She also appreciates that we have sponsored her in gaining food safety and hygiene qualifications.
We think the best thing about Shazia is how she is always happy to ‘muck in’ and do whatever is necessary to make service users feel welcome and cherished.
Tessa Stine
Tessa has worked for us for over a year, having previously worked in immigration centers in France and Belgium. She is currently finishing a Master’s degree in Migration studies and she gives immigration advice, having started out a student on placement with us.
Tessa says the best thing about Revive is that we never say no to anyone – we offer support to anybody in need, whatever their issues.
We think the best thing about Tessa is that she’s the perfect combination of conscientiousness and caring.
Tony Lippo
Tony has worked for Revive for 8 months and helps out with casework, as well as staffing the office. He is building up experience with a view to employment in this field.
Tony says the best thing about Revive is the way it supports everyone who needs it -regardless of ethnicity, belief, age or gender.
We think the best thing about Tony is his enthusiasm for learning, alongside his excellent planning and organizational skills.